Catching up with our new SMSF Members

Peter Cramer

Today at Green Taylor Partners we held a casual luncheon and information session for Trustees of recently established Self Managed Superannuation Funds. The new Trustees were invited to have lunch with us and take the opportunity to ask any questions about their SMSF or voice any concerns that they may have had.

Lots of questions and discussions took place and the feedback from those who attended was very positive.

Matt and I reiterated the importance of Estate Planning considerations in a SMSF and highlighted the fact that assets held inside a SMSF do not form part of a Will and therefore must be carefully considered in your Estate Planning.

We also talked about the contribution rules and limits and how important it was to ensure these were not breached. We gave some examples of how assets can be transferred from a member into their SMSF whilst eliminating capital gains tax and enjoying tax-free income thereafter!

We also looked at how you can start a transition to retirement pension at age 55 even though you may be still working, and how to take advantage of tax free income and the use of salary sacrifice.

Matt and I reminded the attendees that there are a number of Green Taylor Partners YouTube videos on a host of subjects but specifically in relation to SMSFs on our website ( and the GTP TV YouTube channel ( It was great to hear that a number of clients had already viewed these!

Feedback from those who attended was very positive and Matt & I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to sit, chat and enjoy some lunch with our clients.

We look forward to the next session!

Upcoming Estate Planning Seminar
5 Key Strategies for Estate Planning
26th September 2012, 7.00pm
at Green Taylor Partners
Email or phone 03 5382 4761 to reserve your spot.
(This seminar is also available via Webinar!)

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