MYOB have made some vital improvements to their AccountRight software packages over the past few months. There is one particular improvement that I think a lot of AR users will find extremely beneficial, and is definitely blog worthy because this MYOB discovery made me oh so happy I think I jumped out of my chair with excitement! (This is my inner nerd coming out).
How many of you can reel off a few of your MYOB codes just off the top of your head? Sure, you might know that income is #4-something and expenses are #6-something, but who can ever remember the 4 digit account code after the #4- or the #6-? I know I certainly can’t. My brain just isn’t wired that way. It frustrated me to scroll through the account list and find the account I wanted to code a ‘Spend Money’ or ‘Receive Money’ transaction to. It felt like it would take forever to code a month’s worth of data and if you know me, I am all about efficiency!
Well, MYOB have answered all of our prayers and the search for account codes is over! You can now search your account list by account name. For instance, you might be looking for the Repairs & Maintenance account code, you can now start typing in ‘rep’ and it will bring up the accounts with ‘rep’ in the name, or if you were looking for Bank Charges you can start typing in ‘ban’ and it will filter your account list to narrow it down to the account you’re looking for.
Other software providers such as Xero and MYOB’s web based software platform, Essentials, all have this function already so it’s about time that the MYOB development team put this into their AccountRight product. Well done MYOB!
Happy time saving!