Golf & Business… More similarities than you’d think!

Peter Cramer

I was reading some interesting ‘snippets’ this week and found some parallels between golf and business!

So for a bit of a change, I thought I might share these with you:

  1. The proper score for a businessman golfer is 90. If he is better than that, he is neglecting his business. If he is worse than that, he is neglecting his golf!
  2. In golf as in life, it is the follow through that makes the difference. (Isn’t that the truth – how many times have good ideas and great possibilities come to nothing because someone didn’t follow through with it?)
  3. Golf, your business and your life is like a chain – you always have to work on the weakest links.
  4. Every shot counts the same – a 1 metre putt is just as valuable as a 300 metre drive.  Similarly the person answering the phone or meeting the customer through the door is just as powerful and influence as the ‘boss’ – and in many cases I would argue more important!
  5. It is said that to find a man’s true character – play golf with him…
  6. Part of the fun of playing golf is sitting around in the clubhouse afterwards, enjoying good company and a drink while everybody talks about his or her round.  Maybe that would be a good idea for business people to get together and do the same?
  7. Bob Hope once said – “If you watch a game, it’s fun.  If you play it, it’s recreation.  If you work at it, it’s golf.”  (So does that mean every day going to work is like going to golf…?)
  8. Golf without bunkers and hazards would be tame and monotonous.  So would life (BC Forbes). And so would business!
  9. Competitive golf is played mainly on a five and a half inch course – the space between your ears (Bobby Jones).  Being in business is somewhat similar — the more you plan and think and work on your business rather than just turn up – the greater success you will have!
  10. And the old saying – “a bad days golf sure beats a good days working….”  I guess that depends on you!

Here’s hoping your next golf game doesn’t remind you too much of work!!!

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