Unclaimed money is money that cannot be reunited with its rightful owner because, for example, the person has moved address, changed their name, or forgotten about it.
Unclaimed money can be any amount $20 and over, including:
Every year, millions of dollars end up in the Victorian Unclaimed Money Register waiting to be collected by its rightful owners.
Businesses, gaming venues, and betting agencies lodge these unclaimed amounts with the State Revenue Office.
The SRO do not hold all types of lost money, for example, superannuation and funds from bank accounts are dealt with by other agencies.
You can search the register for any unclaimed money belonging to you. It is free to search and free to claim.
The register contains unclaimed money lodged since 1997.
If you believe you are the legal owner of unclaimed money listed in the register, complete an application form to prove the money belongs to you.
If you are claiming more than one amount of money on the register, you need only lodge one completed application form with a covering letter requesting all other funds in your name to be included.