Like with anything we all try very hard to get things done correctly. However mistakes happen, after all, we are only human. As business owners we strive to keep our customers happy so if we make an error, we do all we can to correct it. This in most instances means that we have to go back and fix it.
Getting it right for our customers is certainly important in retention and referrals. However if we don’t address the issue, the problem may occur over and over and will cause concern with our reputation and subsequent profit.
The question then needs to be asked; how to reduce these quality problems in the business. To begin with we need to understand the cost involved.
Firstly you have to pay for the original work, secondly you have to pay for the work to redone to correct it, and thirdly there is the cost of lost opportunity of doing new work.
The next thing to do is look at the systems and procedures that you have in place. Well documented and easy to follow systems can assist in reducing human error and restrict the error happening in the first place.
Once you have the documented the system it is important that your team are trained to implement the system and understand why the system/procedure is in place. The right people, properly trained, with the right systems, can make a big difference.
Finally, measure the results in your business. Depending on the type of business, this may include rejects or rework, on-time delivery, customer complaints, etc. Select what is relevant and begin tracking it. Share it with your team and set goals together for improvement.
The right systems and people can go a long way to help you get it right the first time. Make it a focus in your business and you’ll no doubt customers who will refer and have a healthier bottom line.